The heart and soul of labor unions is the collective bargaining agreement. What makes the collective bargaining agreement so valuable is binding arbitration. So why is it that unions are sending their cases over to the EEOC for processing? Two reasons: (1) it is easier to drop a case on the EEOC for them toRead More
Proposed Disciplinary Action Proceedings in Federal Employment
Sometimes, a federal government employee will find himself or herself in the unfortunate situation of receiving a proposed disciplinary action. For most tenured civil service employees, no discipline affecting the employee’s pay may be issued without first providing the employee with notice of a proposed disciplinary action and an opportunity to respond to the proposal.Read More
The Merit Systems Protection Board
The Merit Systems Protection Board, commonly referred to as the MSPB, was created by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 to replace the old Civil Service Commission. The Merit Systems Protection Board is a quasi-judicial agency that hears appeals of federal employees who have been removed, demoted, or suspended for more than fourteen (14)Read More
Arbitration Award for Air Reserve Technician (ART) Bargaining Unit Employees of NAIL Local 7
In National Association of Independent Labor (NAIL), Local 7 and U.S. Department of the Air Force, 4th Fighter Wing, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, FMCS No. 16-51813 (August 11, 2016), the National Association of Independent Labor (NAIL), represented at arbitration by Bonney, Allenberg & O’Reilly, P.C., received an arbitration award that prevents the AirRead More
Retaliatory Reassignments: Where an employee is involuntarily moved or reassigned because he or she engaged in protected EEO activity, the Agency’s action may be viewed as retaliation.
Many federal government employees who have engaged in the EEO process know all too well that EEO activity may be received negatively by their chain of command. Most federal government employees who engage in the EEO process are also aware that they have the right to file an EEO complaint based on retaliation in theRead More
A Suspension By Another Name Is Still A Suspension
Sometimes, federal agencies will place an employee out of work without pay against the will of the employee. This happens primarily in situations where the employee has been suspended from work for any host of reasons, usually involving some finding of misconduct by the employer. In the federal government, most civil service employees cannot beRead More