As a law firm, much of what we do and what we recommend is reactive in nature: Discriminated against on the job? Then file an EEO complaint! Received a proposed disciplinary action? Then replyRead More
New Year, New Administration, New Landscape
With 2025’s arrival, there is lots of speculation about the return of the Trump Administration and how that is going to impact our federal employees. We at Bonney, Allenberg, O’Reilly, & Eddy are gearing up for what we expect to be a busy year as we see what changes are ahead. Reduction in Federal WorkforceRead More
New Legal Protections for Pregnant Workers – The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
What is the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act? The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) is a bill that went into effect on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 requiring employers to provide reasonable accommodation to employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical conditions. Prior to this bill, other legislation was unable to fully support and accommodateRead More
The Whole Person Concept in Security Clearance Cases
If you are a federal employee that has run into problems with your security clearance, then you may have heard of the “whole person” concept. If you are brand new to security clearance issues, check out our previous blog post on Security Clearances in Federal Employment. Now turning to the “whole person” concept. When respondingRead More
Disability Retirement Considerations for Federal Employees
Federal employees who find themselves in the unfortunate situation of being medically unable to continue performing the essential functions of their positions may be eligible for a disability retirement through their government retirement system. Generally speaking, federal employees covered by the CSRS or FERS retirement systems who meet basic eligibility requirements may qualify for aRead More
FLRA Law Keeps Changing!
Shortly before the 2020 presidential election, the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) issued a series of decisions overturning their own longstanding precedent and practice. The major swings in what was thought to be well-established precedent posed a challenge for practitioners who need to stay constantly informed about the current state of the law. But, theRead More