This week, President Biden nominated Susan Tsui Grundmann to be a member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). If Grundmann’s name sounds familiar to you, it’s likely because this is not her first time being nominated to a major government agency overseeing federal employment law. Most notably, Grundmann served as Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) under former President Obama. Her departure from the MSPB in January 2017 kicked off an unprecedented lack of quorum at the Board that continues to this day. If confirmed, Grundmann would replace current FLRA Member James Abbott, who is serving in a holdover capacity.
President Biden also nominated Kurt Rumsfeld, chief counsel to FLRA Chairman Ernest DuBester, to be the FLRA’s General Counsel. The FLRA has lacked a General Counsel since Nov. 26, 2017.